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A comprehensive range of restorative treatments

Restorative dentistry can be life-changing, bringing back the natural beauty and functionality of your teeth. At Smilestyle, our experienced team provides a full range of restorative treatments, and are committed to delivering the highest standards of care tailored to your unique needs.

We use cutting-edge technology and high-quality materials to ensure our restorative treatments give you the best possible results. From white fillings or inlays to treat cavities to bridges and dental implants to aesthetically replace a missing tooth, our restorative options can complete your smile. We can even rehabilitate your full mouth for optimum health and function. You are in the best hands – we can get you smiling again!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which treatments feature in my restorative dentistry case?

The treatments that feature in restorative dentistry will depend on your individual case, and what needs to be rebuilt, improved, or replaced in order to create a functional and beautiful smile. At your initial consultation appointment, we talk you through the treatments needed, and ask if you have any preferences.

How do I know if I would benefit from restorative dentistry?

If you are unhappy with the appearance and function of your teeth and gums, you will likely be a prime candidate for some form of restorative dentistry. Please talk to us about how we can help you achieve your smile goals.

Can you provide a second opinion?

If you have been quoted a cost for dental work, but would like a second opinion, we are happy to help. Our experienced dentists can provide a consultation and quote for you. We can also help if you have experienced issues after receiving dental treatment abroad, without judgement.

What are the advantages of restorative dentistry?

Restorative dentistry has many benefits and advantages, including enhanced oral health and improved chewing and speaking ability. It can give you confidence a huge boost and help you feel proud to show off your smile. Restorative dentistry offers long-lasting and durable solutions, preserving your natural teeth wherever possible.